Judge Lisa Schultz

Dear Voter,

I am writing to ask for your vote to retain me as a District Judge (Division 5). For almost fourteen years, I have been your Judge. During that time, I have worked hard for you, serving with honorable distinction and with a dedicated focus on families and children. First, as a Children’s Court Judge, I worked throughout Doña Ana County to bring judicial services to our community’s children. My service with the Juvenile Drug Courts helped many teenagers get clean and sober, return to high school, and raise their grades and graduate–with some continuing on to college. There can be no higher calling than helping the next generation succeed and flourish.

Later, I served in the Criminal Division and for three years I handled adult criminal jury trials. In this role, I safeguarded both our constitutional rights and our community. I helped establish law by making decisions that were upheld on appeal. A review of the high Courts’ final opinions concerning my cases during the year considered by the judicial evaluation commission revealed a 100% success rate – each of my decisions was upheld.

My experience in adult criminal court confirmed for me that our window of opportunity to genuinely help our community lies most often with young persons – before they are hardened by life’s harshest circumstances. So, when I was placed in the family division in April 2012, I immediately focused on family solutions that were in the best interests of the children. Again, I saw wonderful results. To hear that the children are doing well is the most rewarding experience.

During my judicial career, I have utilized all of my previous educational background and work experience. Prior to becoming a Judge, I was an attorney for over twenty-one years here in Doña Ana County. I received the New Mexico Governor’s Award for Outstanding Women in New Mexico and served as President of the Doña Ana Women’s Bar Association. I was a published author, noted speaker, and was recognized by Who’s Who in American Law. I am a graduate of both New York Law School and Harvard Divinity School.

When I ran for this judgeship position in 2006, I candidly discussed my beliefs: “Children deserve our care and devoted guidance. There is no cookie-cutter approach to justice. I bring the democratic values of fairness, personal responsibility and compassion to the bench.” I have upheld every promise that I made to you. Sometimes these promises were not easy to keep. I cannot turn a blind eye to public corruption. When a fellow judge’s “pay-to-play” activity came to my attention, I represented the interests of the community by serving as a witness for two-and-half years. Ultimately, that judge was convicted of criminal behavior and removed from the bench.

My commitment to this community and to upholding an independent, fair, and impartial judiciary remains strong. Please join me in helping the families of our community. I need your vote this November 3rd, 2020 to continue serving you and our community.

Judge Lisa Schultz