Retain Judge Lisa Schultz as District Court Judge, Las Cruces, NM…57% “Yes” Vote required to retain Judge Schultz, Election Day Nov 3rd, 2020.
Vote to Retain Judge Lisa Schultz
In a letter to voters: Judge Schultz writes:
“I am writing to ask for your vote to retain me as a District Judge (Division 5). For almost fourteen years, I have been your Judge. During that time, I have worked hard for you, serving with honorable distinction and with a dedicated focus on families and children. First, as a Children’s Court Judge, I worked throughout Doña Ana County to bring judicial services to our community’s children. My service with the Juvenile Drug Courts helped many teenagers get clean and sober, return to high school, and raise their grades and graduate–with some continuing on to college. There can be no higher calling than helping the next generation succeed and flourish…”