Quotes about Judge Schultz

“Judge Schultz has [shown] over the span of her career … a passion for making both her community and profession better. She has stood for individual’s dignity and respectful treatment within the judicial system. She has worked with community organizations and leaders to seek better solutions to issues such as homeless or runaway youth.”

“In the face of an increasingly unfriendly environment, Judge Schultz stood her ground to insure that the people of New Mexico can trust their judges and be sure they will get a fair and unbiased hearing.”

—–David Stocum, Executive Director, New Mexico GLBTQ Centers*

“Judge Lisa Schultz … for a number of years, quietly, persistently, valiantly, and in the face of a maelstrom of attack … first revealed and has stood by the truth, thereby bringing honor to and providing public confidence in the New Mexico Third Judicial District Court.”

—–Laurie Udesky, journalist*

“I have known Lisa for over 15 years and felt that as a lawyer, she was most ethical and faithful to the professional values of law—values which included standing up for fair legal processes for any person…. Most recently, Lisa has… [brought] the criminal actions within the Las Cruces judicial system to the light of day. I cannot imagine someone being more professional. When I teach about ethical leadership in my graduate classes at New Mexico State University, I use Lisa’s professionalism along with her ethics and integrity as part of a case study on how to lead with principle in the face of adversity.”

—–Mary Prentice, Ph.D.; Professor, NMSU*

“In every conversation with Judge Schultz I have always been deeply impressed with her impartiality and fairness.  She intuits skillfully all sides of whatever moral dilemma with which she is faced, and I feel that justice can find few advocates as astute as she.”

—–Mark Moloney, Art Historian*

“… Judge Schultz had the temerity to blow the whistle on corruption in the judiciary when she encountered it. Despite the powers that be consistently doing everything in their power to silence her, … she has persisted in telling the truth. This is the ultimate display of professionalism: protecting the integrity of the judiciary and the people’s trust therein, even at great personal cost.

—–Havens Levitt, retired NM Teacher and community organizer*

“I work for the US Army at Fort Bliss where our mission is training soldiers to defend our freedom on the battlefield.  But that freedom must always be similarly defended and protected at home in the courts and in the work place by men and women in all walks of life.  Through the times I have worked with Judge Schultz on various human rights initiatives in New Mexico, I have seen a consistently tenacious and fearless defender of the rights of all….”
“I understand that attorneys in the State of New Mexico are guided by [the] ‘Creed of Professionalism of the New Mexico Bench and Bar; which states in part, ‘my word is my bond’ when dealing with the courts.  My experience of Judge Schultz has always been that her word is always true and honest; her conduct scrupulously ethical and compassionate; her bond beyond reproach.”

—–John Knopp, Environmental Engineer*

“As an attorney who grew up with Judge Schultz and who has known her for many years as both an attorney and jurist, I observed her personal sacrifices and the abuse she endured as a whistle blower committed to integrity and simple justice. I refer to her role in the prosecution of former New Mexico District Judge Michael Murphy, resulting in his recent conviction for a violation of the Governmental Conduct Code.”
“Judge Schultz displayed great courage in disclosing to prosecutors potentially criminal conduct on the part of one of her fellow judges. That action defines a fair and impartial commitment to professionalism and the pursuit of justice.”

—–Howard S. Fredman, Attorney*

“I have known Lisa for approximately 12 years.  During that time I have known her to be ethical, honest, committed to the practice of law and now as a district judge, a champion for justice.  Lisa is a soft spoken, but courageous individual.”

—–Jim Moore, Retired

“I have known Judge Schultz for well over fifteen years, and as an architect who has designed the court facilities for St. Louis and Franklin Counties in Missouri, as well as many municipal law libraries, we have often shared thoughts and insights in regard to the law, legal facilities, and community service and responsibility.  Judge Schultz is brilliant, perceptive and the most dedicated public servant I have ever known.”
“I have followed in the national press and elsewhere Judge Schultz’s long ordeal culminating in the conviction of Judge Murphy for violation of the Governmental Conduct Code….”
“I… admire[]… her courage and perseverance in the pursuit of what is both legally and professionally right and just.  In these turbulent times politically, only the most brave, and devoted to upholding the rule of Law would have dared to do so, and in the face of threats have persisted with diligence, personal integrity and honor.”
“I can think of no one more deserving of recognition through the Justice Pamela B, Minzner Professionalism Award for her unflinching commitment to professionalism in the practice of the Law than Judge Lisa C, Schultz.”

—–Theodore J. Wofford, Architect*

About Judge Schultz: “This courageous witness upheld the integrity of our justice system….”

—–M. Victoria Amada, Attorney, New Mexico Crime Victims Advocacy Center, Inc.; “”**

“Having worked with over 6,000 whistleblowers since 1979, in my experience Judge Schultz is unsurpassed in terms of courage, stamina and making a difference.”

—–Tom Devine, Legal Director, Government Accountability Project, Washington, DC.

*Excerpts from 2013 Justice Pamela B. Minzner Professionalism Award nomination letters.
**Excerpt from the Albuquerque Journal “Op ed” article entitled: “Witness in judge case merits better,” 6/14/13.